Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Friends.. This is for you xx

So I recently read a post about a girl asking how to deal with her best friends chronic illness, and it's never actually dawned on me that other people may have been struggling with my diagnoses too. Obviously your friends will never go through the same amount of hurt, pain and struggles with my MS but they will still see and feel it. 

I have been so self absorbed with being diagnosed that quite frankly, I never even thought of others (whether this is right or wrong I don't really know). Im not gonna lie the past few years have been so difficult with trying to find a happy medium within myself that I have totally just been so self centred. so yeah, this is just a quick sorry and thanks sesh.

I'm sorry to any of my friends if I ever disregarded your feelings towards me cos it wasn't happening to you. It's been a difficult road for me and please know I am entirely grateful for the constant love and support. It's all still really new to me and I'm still getting my head around having this shit disease. I'm sorry if I'm a moody bitch with it all too. I hope I haven't changed a huge deal since when I was first diagnosed cos I've been cool since day, but if I have I'm sorry! It's not purposely done, I'm still funny af so alls good haha,

To any new friends (you know who you are), sorry I didn't really tell you about having MS, I just don't  want it to define me. Thanks for loving me for just simply being me! Sorry that I have to cancel plans last minute. I can't imagine my life without you guys so thanks for just being so cool. Thanks for making me feel so unbelievably comfortable around you all. Thanks for the adventures, I never want it to ever end.

I also thank you all for checking in every now and again, sometimes it doesn't matter how many people you have around you having MS can just eat you up at times, it's such a powerful disease physically and mentally and you don't realise how much I'm grateful for just a message asking if I'm okay ❤️

Atm for me my MS is 'when it's good it's very good and when it's bad it's awful' but honestly having my friends around makes it so much more bearable. 

Shout out to you all.
Love you longtime. 

Mermaid Rosie xo