Tuesday, 9 February 2016

2015/2016 relapse.

I haven't really blogged in a while because I've had nothing interesting to report lol, until a few months ago.

So I've been off work since mid November due to the worst relapse I've had to date. The right side of my body had a complete meltdown (what a drama queen my body is ha). But seriously, I can't begin to explain how difficult it has been. It felt like a complete loss of independence. I think the most difficult thing at times is that people don't believe or understand how hard it is. People assume because I look fine on the outside or because I'm fairly young that I'm ok.. 

So I've been given some tablets by both my neurologist and GP which should hopefully help my symptoms calm down. I feel like a walking pharmacist at the moment, I'm genuinely contemplating buying one of those day of the week tablet cases too lol.

I'm also actually really confused. When I relapse I have extreme aching pain down the right side of my body but my neurologist says that's nothing to do with MS (I think he believes I'm a drama queen, I'm not just in a lot of pain) however my GP disagrees and says she knows many patients who have aching with their MS. There's a saying associated with MS 'no two the same' so how could my neurologist just dismiss my pain? Maybe I'm not the same as the other patients he's had.

I still don't feel great but I go back to work tomorrow which feels more daunting than my first day 4 and a half years ago did, I've never felt so nervous about work. I'm sure I'll be fine.

So anyways enough of feeling sorry for myself, here's my list for any future relapses I may have:

How do you actually 'deal' with a relapse? Here's my opinion on what helps.

1) Don't cut yourself off from family and friends. I'm very lucky to have an amazing family who stick by me and understand as well as they can. I also have a few good supportive friends who still love me, even when I'm being miserable haha.

2) Try and get out. Don't mope around at home if you're feeling a little better go out! When I first relapsed I was really ill and couldn't get out of bed most days which mentally is not good. As the weeks went by, when I was having a good day I'd try and make the most of it and pop out (tbh getting out of bed was sometimes an accomplishment so actually leaving the house was like me doing a marathon lol).

3) Communicate. Whether it's with family, friends, doctors, work. Communication is so important.

4) Keep busy. I bought some arts around crafts bits to do but honestly I didn't feel up to it both mentally and physically. However I will make a conscious effort next time to do something other than watch Netflix all day (I must have been their best customer though haha).

5) Buy another kitten. Haha not really, otherwise I'll end up with hundreds of cats (not that I'd care!). But We did get a kitten a couple of weeks after I relapsed. We named him Dexter and although he is crazy he really helped me. Sounds ridiculous but he did. I felt responsible for someone and that was nice!
                                                              Me and my baby Dexter ❤️

To any of my family and friends who have read this, I love you. And to everyone else I love you too haha thanks for reading xxxxxxxx