Monday, 3 February 2014

New diet!

So the past week I've cut out (where possible) Wheat, Gluten, Dairy, Yeast and Legumes in hope of  helping to ease some of my MS symptoms. so far so good.. its actually been alot easier than i thought it would have been! I've found a really nice healthy dairy substitute called 'Koko' so thats made life a little easier haha!

I've also made some wheat/dairy/gluten free granola bars which are a nice substitute for chocolate!

The recipe was pretty simple to!

1 1/2 cups of gluten free oats
1 cup of dried fruit
1 cup of nuts (chopped)
1 1/2 cup of honey
1 tablespoon of chocolate powder (not compulsory)
1 tablespoon of vanilla essence
1 tablespoon of cinnamon

Method:  (preheat oven to 165 degrees)

1) add the oats, fruit and nuts together in a bowl
2) Heat the honey in the microwave for 30 seconds, add the chocolate powder, vanilla essence and cinnamon into the same bowl as the honey whilst its warm.
3) add the honey mixture to the oats, fruit and nuts
4) place the mixture in a tray to go into the oven for 20-25minutes
5) once the mixture is out if the oven use a spatula to squash down the mixture to its more confined
6) once the mixture is cool you can cut them :)