Saturday, 18 January 2014

Future Rosie

So I'm feeling really ill at the moment and in an anti-social mood but I thought I'd talk about the recent letter I'd written..

So I've written a letter for future Rosie, 4 pages for me to read in 10years. This letter really made me think what was important right now in my life. I'd recommend everyone to do this, it made me think of my opinions and I'm so intrigued to see if they've changed. I also wonder where life will have taken me in 10 years? 

Within the letter I've asked so many questions lol I think I'm going to annoy future Me with all the questions and silly jokes! 

Throughout the 4 pages of the letter I probably cried or welled up at least 5 times it's made me think of how far I've come and how much has changed within the last few years. I'm proud of myself. And I just hope within the next 10 years I don't forget how far I've come. I'd love to just help people whether it be a profession or a hobby or a life change..

I want to grow into a person that I'd be proud of right now!

So on the 16/1/2024 I'll be opening the letter I've written and I'm genuinely so excited :)

If I ever come  across  my  blog in future years I just want future rosie to know:

1) nothing's impossible, make sure you follow your dreams.. don't give fuck what others think of them! 

2) don't put your happiness in the hands of someone else 

3) Travel the world! It's never too late 

4) Make sure you're happy in whatever you do 

5) keep in contact with the friends and family who were there for you through thick and thin

6) make sure you carry on helping others 

7) don't be afraid of anything

8) life's to short do everything you want to

And most importantly 

9) every cloud has a silver lining ❤️

Sunday, 12 January 2014

"I just want to be happy"

I apologise for the lack of posts lately been so busy with uni work! 

In a bit of a strange mood at the moment, not sure why I think things have just been a bit hectic emotionally and physically or it could be that I still feel hungover since yesterday hahahaha

I feel so stressed with my life, I just have no idea what I want to do after uni. It seems like everyone's lives around me is falling together and I'm stuck here still finding the peices.. My main goal in life is to be doing something that 1) I love and 2) makes me happy

I suppose the whole MS thing has thrown a spanner in the works, and sometimes I feel so ill 

And if you would have asked me 4 years ago what I wanted to be I would have said 100% a teacher but I now don't know the whole intensiveness of the PGCE seems like it would take it out of me 

Well I'm sure something will pop up.. Well I hope it does anyways! Just need to stay positive :) I just want to be happy! 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Positivity and 2014!

If there's one ultimate goal i could achieve in 2014 it would be that I've helped someone.From personal experiences I know that Being ill can be so isolating, Often people tell me "I know what you're going through" but no unless you're going through it you don't know. if I can can help just 1 person believe that they're not alone then i'll be a very happy girl :)


My glass will always be Half full.Life is too short to be anything but happy,and if that means letting things go then so be it..

Theres so many people in life who you think will be there for you no matter what but 2013 showed me and 2014 has already shown me otherwise. personally for me i take it as a lesson and from now on i just wont let that certain thing/person affect my life.

Its easy to get in a kind of rut thinking that your life is so awful but there's one thing you ALWAYS need to have in your mind.. there is always someone out in the world in a worse situation.

We have to be grateful for the little things in life such as food, water, shelter etc

Of course there's times where I just wanna cry and think 'why me' but really you cant sit and dwell about these things because in the meantime life is going to pass by and you'll have nothing to show for it..

Theres one thing at the moment which could literally make me cry of happiness and thats the love and support of my friends who want do charity work for MS society, the one thing I want is to be better and it makes me so touched that friends would want to help <3


So yeah as you can read from my previous post, on the 30th of march im abseiling over 100ft down the side of a shopping centre in aid of MS Society and would love to raise even more than I did in october!
so please please please sponsor me at justgiving,com/roseanna Any little bit would help :)JustGiving - Sponsor me now! xx

Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014 charity abseil for MS Society!

So I'm going to be doing another charity abseil for MS society in March and I couldn't be more excited! 

All of the money I raise will go to MS society and helping people in so many ways! For example: 

 £50 runs online forums for a day allowing people affected by MS to provide emotional support and information to each other

£100 funds 2 hours of vital research in MS whether this be into finding a cure for the condition or helping improve and develop treatments

£250 trains an MS Society Support Volunteer to provide help, advice and information to people in their area

£500 could pay for a young carer to go on a short break and have some well earned rest from their day to day caring duties

£1000 provides a scooter for a person with MS enabling them to retain their independence and mobility

By doing the charity work I feel it's some kind of hope in believing I can help to make a difference and help to find a cure.. 

I'll put more details up of my abseil and where you can sponsor me soon!