Sunday, 29 December 2013

New Years resolutions

So I'm sat on the train home from work thinking about what I want my New Years resolutions to be this year (not that I ever stick to mine) however  this year it's gonna be my mission to stick to all of the New Years resolutions I make! So here's a few I can think of on the top of my mind! 

1) learn how to play the guitar 
2) stick to my no gluten/diary/yeast diet (for ms) for as long as I need to! 
3) be more patient with others 
4) raise more money for MS society 
5) figure out what I wanna do after uni
6) if something no longer makes me happy, leave it 
7) swear less (haha) 
8) go out more! 
9) stick to all of these resolutions!! 

Having 9 resolutions is a bit ambitious for myself (especially as I never follow them through lol) but I feel 2014 will be my year..

 It's the year I'll be starting medication for ms, the year I graduate from uni, the year I turn 21 and the year I get to go back to Australia! 
Hurry up 2014 I've been waiting for you :)

Thursday, 26 December 2013

A bit of a rant!!

FYI ignoring me and pretending I do not exist isn't going to take away the fact I have MS, it just makes me realise who you truly are and that I don't want to be associated with you.

There are too many people around me who have changed since I've been diagnosed. I don't understand why?? as I'm the same person I was and the same person I always will be.

I know my diagnoses is hard for people but how do you think I feel? I'm the one living this, I'm the one who has to change her future plans. I'm the one living in uncertainty. People need to be less selfish and more aware! 

I've been doing charity bits for MS society to find a cure the least people can do is sponsor me so I will no longer be living the way I am!

Christmas is the season of good will, how about people start treating me like the person I am/was/always will be!

I am so grateful for the family and friends who have been so supportive of me this year, I wouldn't have even got though this year without them! Especially my parents xxx

I apologise for the rant, just needed to let this out.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas filled with love, joy, presents and food!!! I certainly did, I had an amazing day with my family :) 

Monday, 23 December 2013


As we all know Christmas is 2 days away (seems to have come so fast this year!!) and today I've sat down and thought about the things I've been grateful for this year.. 

1) my family - this year has truly shown my how amazing and supportive my family are! 

2) friends - some of my friends have been   so wonderful this year

3) work - although I struggle with work at times and I'm not in a lot, I'm grateful I have a job as some people are struggling to even get a job.

4) being able to go back to Australia next August :D I'm genuinely so grateful for that! 

And lastly

5) I'm grateful for not being as ill as I could be, I know I'm not well but there are People out in the world are so much more iller than I am! 

Merry Christmas everyone! 

Sunday, 22 December 2013

MS, you're getting on my nerves.

Excuse the pun in the title but it made me laugh 

Not feeling too good today, MS is not being nice to me. Typical that it happens before Christmas :(

But things could always be worse.. There's people out in the world fighting a much harder battle! 

These quotes are so relevant for me at the moment! 

Friday, 20 December 2013


As you may have read in my previous post, I have Multiple Sclerosis. Being told I have MS on the 19th of June 2013 was probably the strangest day I've experienced. On one hand I was happy that I had finally been diagnosed and was no longer living in the unknown but on the other hand it felt as if my whole world came crashing down.

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease which means my bodies nerves attacks itself leading to the many symptoms I experience from numbness and burning sensations to losing feeling in any part of my body aswell as a range of cognitive symptoms. MS is such a life changing disease, I have no idea where it will take me in the future but for now I'm just trying to enjoy the present as well as I can!

MS Symptoms..

I should be going into treatment soon, which is a bittersweet situation as it kinda makes things seem so much more real and that really until there's a cure found I'll be dependent on medication indefinitely. 

I know having MS is hard for the family and friends around me and i know many of my family and friends find it difficult to deal with but all they can do is support me in any way possible, that's all I'll ever need from them. I might have MS but all always be the same person i ever was the only thing that's changed is my health and the priorities which surround them. I'm not a normal 20 year old getting drunk every weekend (etc) isnt my priority, being as well as i can be is.

Sometimes I get annoyed/upset about having Multiple Sclerosis but..

'Every cloud has a silver lining'

Yes having MS is rubbish but at the same time its pushed me to start doing charity work for MS Society. I think by doing the charity work its like Hope for myself in finding a cure and one day being able to say 'I used to have Multiple Sclerosis'

The first bit of charity work I started was an 100ft abseil, 4 months after I was diagnosed and I can genuinely say that it was the most rewarding thing I've ever done! I raise £675 for MS society and I will be doing another abseil in march :)

I often get told that I'm 'really strong' what people mean by that I'll never know, I'm still trying to figure that out.. once i find out i'll blog about it! haha

P.s I love all of my family and friends who have supported me this year, its been a hard year but things can only get better!

Dressed as a Bee so MS can Buzz off haha

MS Society charity genuinely is so amazing, all the people that work that are so lovely and supportive! I dont know how I would have gotten through the last few months without them!

a little intro - 12 facts about myself.

Hi :)

1) My name is Roseanna, but I'm known as Rosie by most people 
2) I'm 20 years old (although I don't feel or act my age haha)
3) I'm currently in my 3rd and final year of university (yay at last!)
4) I'm studying an education studies degree (I originally planned on being a teacher but that's on hold for now)
5) I'm quite sarcastic and i also tend to laugh at my own jokes (this will probably be visible in my blog, I apologise in advance..)
6) I have curly hair (which other people seem to love)
7) I used to live in Australia 
8) I have no idea about what i want to be 'When I grow up'
9) I love quotes that I can relate to (I know I'm a geek lol)
10)  I have an illness called Scheuermanns disease
11) I also have Multiple Sclerosis 
12I've decided to write a blog because I feel it may be a good way to express my feelings and also to hopefully help and inform people :)